Make a website New Year resolution you won’t regret

Get ready to say goodbye to 2015 and welcome in 2016. What will it have in store for your business and what leaves will you turn to reinvigorate your sales? Maybe you’re not a believer in New Year resolutions but it’s hard to ignore the pace of change, especially on the Internet. So make sure you read our top tips on adapting to the changing webscape to keep ahead in your business by updating your website and online strategy for 2016.

Keep being social

The power of social networks is here to stay and if you’re not already keeping your profile active then there’s no better time like the present! Try to tweet and share  interesting articles, or simply chat with your customers at least once every day. If you want to target a specific demographic then advertising on social networks is ideal.

Cater for your visitors needs

Too many business owners ignore the signs that their website isn’t engaging their visitors. For example, having reams of marketing jargon only you can understand (instead of concise, relevant key points about your business) isn’t going to enthuse your visitor and potential clients. It’s easier than ever to see the trends through Google
Analytics and find the hotspots on your website to appreciate your visitor’s tastes. Analysing these facts and getting customer feedback as well as professional marketing advice, will be the key to increasing your market share.

Don’t let your content become stale

I bet you’re already sick and tired of hearing those Christmas songs already, right? What about those movie re-runs on TV over Christmas, fed up of those too? Well, why do you think customers would repeat a visit to your website if it’s the same as last time? Set your goals on creating new content for all of your pages at least every three
months. Make your content fresh. Whether it’s text, imagery or video, make it appeal to returning website visitors so they appreciate your brand and not dismiss it.

If you’re not responsive then you may as well go back to 2010

It’s hard to imagine that it’s nearly been 6 years since the term responsive web design was coined. Now that’s a long time for technology, some might say a technology generation, so why haven’t some website upgraded their design to be responsive in 2016? It’s frankly crazy that websites are refusing to aid mobile and tablet visitors by creating a responsive web design. Often phones and tablet screens are bigger in audience than desktop computers for many websites. Adapt your web design and even if it’s going to take a significant part of your budget, even Google says it matters when it comes to search ranking now, so there’s no excuse.

Are you still using Flash on your website in 2016?

Flash is dead, well at least for mobile and with the many security issues it has received for desktop over the last year, it may as well be dead altogether. With the advent of HTML5, CSS3, jQuery and SVGs there are plenty of libraries which fill the gap and wont bloat your website either with huge filesizes. Even Facebook are phasing out Flash from their website, so it’s vital you need to do it and quick so you’re not left behind with users unable to see your content.

If you need any help or advice with getting your website up to scratch and performing how it should in the year 2016, then please get in touch with us via our contact page and we’d be happy to help and give a website quote.