New web design just in time for Easter

We’ve been working hard over the last few weeks creating an engaging and modern web design for our Design for Digital website. Being so busy with clients it’s often difficult to find time for us to concentrate on the design of our own website as naturally we take our clients priorities first. Therefore, we’re proud to present our new website which is cleaner, easier to navigate and provides clearer messages about our web design company services. We hope you enjoy the experience.

The website is based on the popular WordPress CMS software (which now runs over 25% of the world’s websites). It’s a unique theme designed from scratch just like we do for all of our clients so they have a tailored and unique web design. We’ve included CSS3 animations to keep page speeds down which also cuts out heavy javascript libraries. Utilising CSS @media queries we’ve created a responsive web design for the many devices all of us use to connect to the internet, providing the best possible experience wherever you’re viewing the website. Gone are the dated slideshows from the old website design. Now welcome hero, parallax scrolling images with accompanying text to engage and not distract our visitors and potential clients. Every part of our website has been carefully considered and it’s not going to end there. As Google recommends we’ll be updating all page content at least every three months to showcase our latest work and keep it fresh for our existing clients returning to the website. We’d love to hear what you think to the design in the comments below.

Not only has the design of the website changed but we’re now working alongside some great people and will shortly be offering graphic design and branding services, as well as copywriting services to our agency portfolio. Over the years, our customers have enquired about these services and now we’re happy to oblige and put our own Design for Digital seal of approval on these graphic design and copywriting services using trusted industry professionals.

Please get in touch with us today if you need our web design expertise, our excellent graphic design services or need our copywriting services to improve your website content.

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